People are busier than ever, and time is more valuable than ever, thanks to the incredibly rapid development of technology and the associated cultural change.
Almost everyone is on the go every day, and everyone is in a hurry. What we eat and drink at home has shifted, meals have been skipped, and we have begun to eat and drink more outside or on the road.
As a result of the race against time, the online shopping trend is spreading rapidly around the world. When the Covid 19 pandemic conditions were added to this trend, the growth of the brands' own online stores, as well as marketplaces like Amazon, Ali Baba, and Ebay, began to grow exponentially. According to future projections, 80% of shopping in many sectors, including food, beverage, textile, cosmetics, white goods, and media, will be done online.
This transformation affects not only the purchasing experience of the end customer, but also the supply chain and packaging requirements. The increased use of online shopping raises the demand for primary and secondary packaging materials. Packaging and packaging solutions that are lighter and take up less space are required to ensure that the product reaches the customer quickly and safely through various channels. However, because there is no physical contact with the product when shopping online, the importance of the package and its packaging grows in the customer decision journey.
Packet and packaging penetration into every home has become a valuable tool for brands to connect with consumers and improve their experiences. Packages and packaging began to act as a kind of communication medium as brands began to use them to establish two-way symmetrical communication with their customers. All of these developments create numerous opportunities for the sector's future. According to a special study by Smithers, the total value of the packets and packaging industry worldwide in 2019 was 917 billion dollars, and it will reach 1.05 trillion dollars in 2024.
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